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Строительная доска объявлений

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Приглашаем инвестора для строительства клиники биорегуляторной медицины в Крыму.

Biological and bioregulatory medicine. What is this? Its includes treatment with drugs and of methods of biological medicine: apitherapy ( treatment with honey products), antihomoxical medicine, fungotherapy ( treatment with musrooms), phytotherapy ( treatment with plants), climatotherapy, classical homeopathy, complemental medicine, ozonotherapy, plasmopheresis and etc. Complex regulatory approach of all methods biological medicine looking on organism as a whole. It has basic of therapy all typical pathological processes, that can allow to high efficiency of treatment cardiological diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, metabolic disorders, problems with orinary tract, kidneys, nervous system, dermatological diseases, engocrinology diseases as like diabetus mellitus , hypothyreosis, and etc, neoplactical processes. Biological therapy acts on all regulatorys levels of organism that is giving mild and good results, decreasing toxicological overloading on organism of patient, allow making revitalization process, can be using like one of effective anti-age therapy methods, to high quality of patients life. Lets forget about all diseases!!!
There are so many medical problems and diseases of civilization , which needs global work all scientists of overworld!!!
Biological medicine is still hiding so many secrests which can help people of all world to decide problems with own health.
The health of nations is a most important problems in our life which we get to decide!!!
We will be kindly thankfull to invite investor for building medical clinic of bioregulatory medicine in the Crimea, Yalta, Pearl of the world, whom includes all methods of biological and bioregultory medicine : сlimatotherapy ,phytotherapy and etc which can help for people with lungs problems, for smokers, for people who cant have kids, for people with bones problems and etc. We can concider that this clinic is a necessity of our life. We consider that our duty is to help patients who needs this help right now. Helping for us with building this clinic you will help for deciding nations health problems, now only for our generations but for our kids and grandkids….
The Crimea is still hiding so many secrests. Why Russian king decides to have own recidence in the Crimea? Because of Botkins investigation, own Russian king”s ( tsar Nicolai II) doctor- Its place which can revitalase your organism and its gives you long happy life!!!
Why you cant live 100 years if you still have this ability?
Biological and bioregulatory medicine in natural Crimea natural conditions will help you!!!
Full information you can find on site:
Лечение препаратами и методами биологической медицины. Апитерапия, антигомотоксическая медицина, фунготерапия, фитотерапия, гирудотерапия, климатотерапия, гомеопатия, комплементарная медицина, озонотерапия. Плазмаферез. Комплексный регуляторный подход методов биологической медицины рассматривает организм как одно целое, основываясь на терапии типовых патологических процессов, что позволяет эффективному лечению заболеваний сердечно-сосудистой системы, пищеварительного тракта, мочеполовой системы, костно-мышечной системы, нервной системы, дерматологических заболеваний, неопластических процессов, новообразований.Терапия воздействует на все уровни регуляции организма, что обусловливает мягкое и щадящие терапевтическое воздействие на организм, сн
Добавлено 4 Декабря 2009 08:10
Раздел Продажа
Автор Гость
Город Москва
Телефон +380443613132
Просмотров 399

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