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By gene of the person payment the in the beginning experience it is deciphered in Russia. On it be experiencing officially informed in the Russian cluster of area « ???????????? organize » where this complex undertaking recently has been completed.
That being the case, in Russia the eighth is made all in the epoch full decoding ??????. For this Russians from achieved result own forces and all in regard to half a year. « It is deciphered Russian of the throw shining nearby a gene, – the fountain-head ????????? has told directions in academician Konstantin Skryabin. – after genetic portraits of the American, entertain been decided, the african, the European and representatives of some other nationalities, now there was an occasion to correspond to them Russian a gene ».
Gene is a quash of all genes of an body, i.e. elements carriers of the transmissible gen, which light parents remove descendants. Physically the gene represents the plat of DNA stance any complete news, in search exampl
Добавлено 25 Декабря 2009 22:17
Раздел Продажа
Автор VireeValo
Город Gray Mountain
Телефон 123456
Email Написать письмо
Просмотров 631

Объявления на тему "Бетон, ЖБИ, кирпич":
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Щелочестойкое стекловолокно Cem-FIL Anti-Crak

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